DIED – 1/6/17
Fresno County Deputies are investigating the death of a Parlier canine officer after his body was found in a field close to the police department. The nine-year-old German Shepard’s name was Indy. Officers had been searching for him, after he went missing early Friday morning. The Fresno County Sheriff’s Office is heading up the investigation. They first heard about the missing canine after someone reported a grand theft from the Parlier Department parking lot down the road. Detectives said Indy was working Friday night with his handler and sometime between the hours of midnight and 6:00 a.m. he disappeared. Later Friday afternoon, Parlier Animal Control officers found his body in an Orchard and there was significant trauma. The sheriff’s office said it’s too early to rule out any causes, but the injuries look like Indy may have involved in a traffic collision. Indy is being taken in to a vet from further examination. We also don’t know how Indy was able to get out of the cruiser. Officers who worked with him said Indy was a loyal partner, very obedient and had won numerous awards.