Died 4/27/20
Handler – Officer Denis Fitzpatrick
Canine Harley Passes
It is with deep regret that I announce the passing of Canine “Harley”, who was the devoted and loyal partner of Police Officer Denis Fitzpatrick (retired) of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority Police Department. “Harley” was declining in his health the last couple of weeks and was having difficulties getting around. Denis and his family had to make the difficult decision that many of us have had to make and decided to end his suffering on Monday, April 27, 2020. Named in Honor of Sgt. Alan Kenwood of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority Police Department. Sgt. Kenwood did honorably serve in law enforcement for over 35 years with Penn. Central PD, Con Rail PD, MNRR PD and completed his career with the MTA PD. On Sunday, April 17, 2005 while riding his Harley Davidson he tragically died in a motorcycle accident. All who know Sgt. Kenwood knew of his love for Harley Davidson motorcycles. Officer Denis Fitzpatrick and “Harley” attended Explosive Detection Canine Training (EDC) from October 2005 to December 2005 at the Orange County Sheriff’s Office. As a team they held certifications as an EDC from NYS DCJS, ATF NORT, CPWDA and USPCA. Canine Harley was also trained in tracking and evidence/article recovery. “Harley” enjoyed an active and vigorous police career. As a Canine Team assigned to patrol the 14 counties of the MTA System, Police Officer Fitzpatrick and “Harley” had been charged with protecting many high level federal, state and local dignitaries and frequently assisted many local agencies in finding fugitives. “Harley” was 15 1/2 years old when he passed.
Lt. Finucane MTA PD – Canine Unit/Special Operations Division